Bettina Holzhausen (Switzerland)

contemporary choreographer and dancer



Date of birth: 22nd of April 1966.


Ms. Holzhausen had studied dance at Vorbuehne Zurich and Ballett Atelier Zurich in Switzerland and at London contemporary dance school in England. She had been staying in Paris, Berlin and New York for extensive dance training with various teachers as well as different workshops among others with Andrew Harwood, David Zambrano, Meg Stuart, Emio Greco.

She had been working for different dance companies in Switzerland and founded her own compagnie n'est-ce pas in 1992. With her company she created between 1992 and 2001 7 evenings, various shorter pieces and a video-dance-film. Her work is touring in Switzerland and Germany. She is involved in different exchange projects and has been choreographing for theatre companies and schools. She was production manager and assistant of Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods working on their last production "Alibi" (2001). She was teaching contemporary dance and improvisation at the arts program of a public high school in Zurich for 10 years and is teaching as well on a professional level at Tanzhof Akademie Winterthur, Tanzhaus Zürich (center for contemporary dance in Zurich) and Latvian Culture Academy Riga.

For the season 1999/2000 Ms. Holzhausen was artistic and administrative director of Tanzhaus Zurich. She is artistic director of "stromereien" open air performance days in Zurich 2001 and 2003.

Awards and grants:

- dance award of the city of Zurich in 1995
- grant for choreography of SSA Societé Suisse des Auteurs
- participation at ADF American Dance Festival, ICR international choreographer's residency program in 1997
- grant of Bogliasco Foundation New York 1997